Allinson Gallery, Inc.

Greetings from Connecticut! I’m wishing,
You’re here to “come up and see my etchings”.
This exhibit is planned with care -- and flair --
For the London Original Print Fair.
What works are displayed? I’ll give you some hints:
One hundred twenty-five years of fine prints,
From the 19 th century we’ll review
British etchings through 1932,
Please note many a subtle rendition
Within the British etching tradition
Blake etched Chaucer’s Pilgrimage to Canterbury.
There were 29 in the company.
Travelers – holy or secular, went
The 55 miles from London to Kent.
To pass the time, each pilgrim would regale
The company, and the reader, with a tale.
For our print journey here, you would need
A computer, so please stable your steed.
You can see soft spring landscapes pastoral,
And imposing works architectural.
You’ll see élégantes in fancy dresses,
Conflicts between men, -- also the sexes.
The eternal conflict will never bore.
As Lyly said: “All’s fair in love and war.
So, friend, if you have “world enough and time”,
Please visit the London Print Fair online.